Operation Fields - Klymene Field

The company also identified the “Klymene” prospect which is located to the west of the producing assets in the Akkulka block. The prospect was identified from acquired and interpreted seismic data and indicated a four-way closure with bright spots at 2 of 3 prospective stratigraphic levels within the Cretaceous and Jurassic sequence, both of which have been productive in the Company’s Doris oilfield some 60 km to the east. The Klymene prospect has the potential to be an order of magnitude bigger than the Doris oil field and surrounding prospects in the Akkulka block (the geographical area of the prospect is up to ten times the areal extent of the Doris oil field).

The Klymene (KBD-02) exploration well was drilled to a depth of 2,750 metres in December 2020. The well was tested from April to December 2020 producing over 380,000 barrels of oil at rates of up to 4,000 bopd from three productive zones.